dr Dorota Campfield


Seminar title: Effective Teaching of English – strategies and considerations for young learners in instructional settings

Research interests:
•    Instructed Second Language Acquisition
•    Young learners
•    Prosody
•    Speech segmentation
•    Cognitive factors and second language learning
•    Assessment and development of measurement tools

Educational background, degrees:

•    2010 – D. Phil.  (Education)  Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, University of Oxford, UK
•    2006 – M.Sc. (Educational Research Methodology), University of Oxford, UK
•    2003 – M. A. Education (Applied Linguistics),The Open University, UK
•    1999 – Postgraduate Diploma in TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages); Sheffield Hallam University, UK; Licentiate Diploma in TESOL – Trinity College, London
•    1988 – B.A. (Honours) Modern Arts (Literature, Philosophy, Modern European History, History of Ideas) – Kingston Polytechnic, UK

Professional experience:

•    2010 – to date The Educational Research Institute (IBE), Warsaw
•    2006 – 2007    University of Oxford, Department of Education, UK
•    2001 – 2005    University of Oulu,  Department of Education, Finland
•    2003/2004      The University of Strasbourg – I.U.F.M., France; Erasmus Exchange Lecturer


Campfield, D., Kaczan, R., Rycielski, P, (under review). Working memory and school achievement among 6- and 7-year-old children. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature.
Campfield, D. E., (2015). Lexical difficulty – using Elicited Imitation to study child L2. Language Testing. doi:10.1177/0265532215623580.
Campfield, D. E. & Murphy, V. A. (2014). The influence of prosodic input in the second language classroom: does it stimulate child acquisition of word order and function words? Language Learning Journal. 42(1):1-19. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09571736.2013.807864#.UtQRifvyQus
Campfield, D. E. & Murphy, V. A. (2014). Elicited Imitation in Search of the Influence of Linguistic Rhythm on Child L2 Acquisition, System (An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics) 42:207-219. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0346251X13001784

Book chapters:

Campfield, D. E. (under review). Elicited Imitation – potential for integrated teaching and assessment. In D. Prošić-Santovac & S. Rixon (Eds) Integrating Assessment into Early Language Learning and Teaching Practice, Multilingual Matters.
Szpotowicz, M., & Campfield, D. E. (2016). Developing and Piloting Proficiency Tests for Polish Young Learners. In M. Nikolov (ed) Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Assessing Young Language Learners, Springer.
Szpotowicz, M., Campfield, D. E, & Rycielska, L. (2014). Wyniki nauczania w zakresie języka angielskiego i ich uwarunkowania. W Roman Dolata (red. naukowa) Czy szkoła ma znaczenie? Analiza zróżnicowania efektywności nauczania na pierwszym etapie edukacyjnym. Warszawa, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, 281-309.

Book reviews:
Campfield, D. E. (2014). Dimensions of Vocabulary Knowledge,  James Milton and Tess Fitzpatrick (Eds.). Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK (2014).  xiv + 207 pp. System (An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics)


Krasowicz-Kupis, G., Kochańska, M., Bogdanowicz, K., Wiejak, K., Campfield,  D., Łuniewska, M., & Haman. E. (2015). Jak nauczyciel moze wspomagac rozwój dzieci z zaburzeniami językowymi i ryzykiem uczenia się? Wybrane zagadnienia. Poradnik dla nauczycieli oddziału rocznego przygotowania przedszkolnego i klasy I. Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa.
Muszyński, M., Campfield, D., & Szpotowicz, M. (2015). Język angielski w szkole podstawowej – process i efekty nauczania. Wyniki podłużnego badania efektywności nauczania języka angielskiego (2011-2014). Warszawa: Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych.

Conference papers:
L2 prosody and child foreign language learning. Humpty Dumpty goes abroad. Paper presented at the 12th International BelNATE-IATEFL conference ‘English Language and Literature in the Context of the 21st-century reality’, Mińsk State Linguistics University, November 10-12, 2016, Mińsk.
L2 prosody and child foreign language learning. Paper presented at the International Conference ‘Child Foreign Language Learning (CFLL). Between Theory and Practice. 28-30 April, 2016. Kraków.

Function words and lexical challenge – Elicited Imitation for study of child L2 oral ability. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference Teaching English to Young Learners: Assessment and Learning,  Faculty of Education in Jagodina, University of Kragujevac, Serbia, 5 – 6 June 2015.

The second language classroom in Poland – does it stimulate young learners’ acquisition of oral production skills? Paper presented at the Early Language Learning Theory and Practice in 2014, Umea, Sweden, 12th-14th June 2014.

Elicited Imitation in search of factors affecting development of young learners’ oral production. Poster presented at Bi-SLI Child Language Impairment in Multilingual Context, COST ISO804 Final Conference, Kraków, 27-29th May 2013.

What can Elicited Imitation tell us about the structural knowledge of English of 10-year-old language learners? Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association, EuroSLA22, Poznań, 5-8 September, 2012.
Czas i białko – uczymy angielskiego. Paper presented at the Sejneńskie spotkania z nauką, „Oczarowanie tejemnicą”. Ośrodek Pogranicze – sztuk, kultur, narodów w Sejnach, 1st of September 2011.
Factors affecting early second language acquisition: the role of linguistic rhythm. Poster presented at University of Oxford Department of Education Poster Conference, Oxford, UK, 12th of October 2009.